Thursday, February 2, 2012

Erik Erikson's Fifth Stage of Psychosocial Development: Identity versus Role Confusion

The psychosocial conflict of identity versus confusion is the fifth stage of Erik Erikson’s psychosocial development theory. It usually occurs in 12-18 year old adolescence “exploring their independence and developing a sense of self” (Cherry, n.d.). The age old struggle to try and fit in and figure out where we belong leaves the majority of teens insecure and confused. Your “identity defines who you are, what you value, and the directions you choose to pursue in life” (NCSU, n.d.).
Teens have a tendency to experiment playing a part in different roles, behaviors and activities as they struggle to establish their sense of self. This process is essential to a person developing a strong identity of them. It also provides them with a direction that they want their lives to go in. During this stage of Erikson’s theory “proper encouragement and reinforcement through personal exploration will emerge from this stage with a strong sense of self and a feeling of independence and control” (Cherry, n.d.). The alternative to this independence and control someone left unsure of themselves. This usually leads to confusion and insecurity in the future.
The television show Degrassi is a good example of this stage of development. The show is about teenagers that are growing up and trying to find themselves. “Every student who walks up Degrassi's steps enters an exciting, emotional, and unpredictable world -- high school” (Viacom International Inc., 2012). They experiment with different things, even when they know that they shouldn’t be, because they are searching for the own individual identity.
Cherry, K. (n.d.). Psychology. Retrieved from Identity Versus Confusion:
NCSU. (n.d.). WolfWikis. Retrieved from PSY 376 Identity vs. Role confusion:
Viacom International Inc. (2012). TeenNick. Retrieved from About Degrassi:

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