Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Ebay's Business Model

Ebay Inc. is the provider of an online marketplace where goods and services are sold auction style. They are in the services sector of the catalog & mail order houses industry. Their competitors consist of companies such as and Liberty Media Corporation (Yahoo, 2011). Their online platforms include, StubHub, and (Yahoo, 2011). They operate in over 27 countries and just recently entered into the European Marketplace (CNBC, 6/29/2005).
Their e business model aims to provide customers with an easy inexpensive way to save as well as make money, depending on whether you use Ebay to buy or sell. Ebay gets charges a fixed fee based on the value of the item sold to the seller and receives the money when the sale has been made. Essentially, they are getting paid for their platform.
With regular maintenance and upkeep to the sight, they don’t have to worry about inventories or overhead expenses like the retail change experiences. They have also done an excellent job with their branding and are a well known name in most every household. They have a good marketing position because they are the best of bread when it comes to selling things online. The fact that they were one of the first to implement the idea of creating a platform where people can sell to other people has made them a very innovative and breakthrough company. Their long term success will be decided on their ability to keep their site running effectively and without any issues from spammers or people utilize the website for marketing.
The economy would be one of the larger market influences on this company. A bad economy could benefit Ebay if it meant that people were turning there to supplement their income by selling some of their things or if people were trying to save money on an item and looking for a deal on the site. A bad economy could negatively affect Ebay if it meant that people were not spending as much money and weren’t making as many purchases on their site because they didn’t feel they had the expendable income. 

CNBC, Inc. (May, 29 2005). Ten things You didn’t know about Ebay. Retrieved from
Yahoo. (2011).  Industry Center - Catalog & Mail Order Houses. Retrieved from

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